UK Peatland Our Biggest Carbon Store and A Wildlife Heaven
Upland peatland doesn't win any prizes for landscape beauty, however it does win prizes for something else. Peat soils in the UK are by far the largest store of carbon we have and are vital to the UK meeting it's carbon commitments.
They are also vital to conserving and managing much of our water supply. In this blog I want to celebrate their value for wildlife. From the majestic hen harrier, waders such as golden plover and curlew, to the diminutive plants such as sundew, bog rosemary, bog asphodel, preserving and maintaining our peatlands is vital to the survival of these fantastic species.
However much of our upland peatlands are currently being destroyed by overgrazing by sheep, agricultural drainage and burning for grouse shooting. You can join the campaign to stop illegal burning of peatland at