Terms & Conditions
Policies are important, please always read the small print.
Membership Benefits
The Expedition Club operates a membership system. Members pay an annual subscription payable in January.
Members will have access to a reduced cost on Expedition Club trips. (Normally 2/3rd of the full cost).
Expeditions will be open to non-members at full cost, however membership is encouraged, and is seen as an integral part of our health and safety system.
Members will be able to borrow club equipment at no charge on the understanding that hired equipment is returned clean and undamaged. If equipment is returned dirty or damaged the member responsible will be charged the full cost of cleaning, repair or replacement for that item.
There will be an annual members’ event which will advise on membership issues and which will enable members to have a say on future expeditions.
Equality policy
The Expedition Club membership and trips are open to any person regardless of nationality, race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age.
A range of different levels of trip will be planned to accommodate different capabilities.
Reasonable adjustments can be made to trips to accommodate special needs and disabilities. In order to do this a conversation will need to take place in advance of the trip to plan in adjustments for special needs.
Children and Vulnerable People Policy
All Expedition Club guides carry a recent Disclosure and Barring Scheme check.
Children under the age of 18 are welcome on any expedition, but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, as we are not covered under the Adventurous Activities Licensing Act.
Data Protection Policy
Data will only be collected strictly for the purposes of the Expedition Club - to inform you about expeditions, to ensure you receive the correct information about any trips you have joined.
We will NEVER share any data with any third party, other than for strictly fulfilling the activities and necessary processes of the Club.
Your data may be shared with an expedition guide leading a trip you have joined. This will normally include health information you have shared with us relevant to keeping you safe during the expedition.
With your permission, very limited data may be shared with others on the same trip to facilitate shared transport or similar arrangements.
All Expedition Club data is stored on a secure database.
Health and Safety Policy
As Expedition Club events normally take place in remote areas and involve travelling in mountainous and remote environments, some elements of risk cannot be removed, indeed a degree of risk is an integral part of discovering wilderness.
As a result of this we have an advanced and detailed Health and Safety Policy
All trips are carefully planned in areas which have been assessed in advance, and risks are carefully calibrated to the level of experience and fitness of groups.
All instructors are highly experienced, having worked and led groups in the environments of the expeditions for many years.
All participants will be given specific information about the level of fitness required and the level of risk expected on each expedition. Individual risk assessments will be carried out if we are aware of particular issues justifying this.
Decisions about the precise activities and routes chosen on any day will be made by the instructor in charge, taking account of the participants’ capabilities, fitness levels, weather conditions, ground conditions and any other relevant factors. The judgement of the instructor is key to making good decisions in a dynamic environment. Participants are expected to follow the guidance of the instructor. If participants chose to disregard the guidance of the instructor, they are no longer covered under the terms of this policy.
If in the view of the company, an individual participant does not have suitable experience or fitness for an expedition, we will advise them to undertake training prior to the trip.
Extensive written risk assessments will be carried out before every expedition. Evacuation plans will be developed in the event of injury to participant(s).
A review of each expedition will take place which will lead into ever increasing standard of managing risk.
Participants will be guided and assisted in all aspects of health and safety on an expedition, this will include:
advanced information on levels of adventure to be expected and levels of fitness required
an expedition kit list will be issued in advance to all participants
information will be shared about keeping safe and avoiding injury during activities
Information will be shared about safe and healthy food choices and food preparation in remote areas
information will be shared about good hygiene practices in remote areas.
Insurance Policy
The Expedition Club is fully insured to undertake any activities which it offers.
We are currently insured up to £5m by Ascot Underwriting Ltd under the BAHIS scheme to offer:
Training in expedition skills
Environmental Policy
The Expedition Club takes environmental policy extremely seriously. We are conscious of potential environmental consequences of taking expeditions into remote areas, and seek to leave the places we visit with the absolute minimum of impact.
We fully endorse and seek to implement the “Leave no Trace” principles.
We will provide guidance and advice to help participants understand and value the natural environment, we will guide participants in minimising impacts particularly with regard to food and hygiene.
Wildlife encounters will be part of our expeditions, but we will seek to avoid or minimise disturbance of wildlife.
We will seek to minimise the impact of transport during expeditions, and while travelling to and from expeditions, by facilitating shared transport and by offering pick up and drop off at mainline train stations.
We discourage air travel, particularly longhaul flights, wherever possible.
Pricing Policy
We do not provide package holidays.
Prices quoted on the website are for guiding/tutoring only unless otherwise stated. Prices will be clearly stated on the website information for each expedition.
Full payment is due for each expedition 6 weeks prior to the start date.
Participants are responsible for booking their own accommodation and providing their own food, so we don't charge for this.
Transport to and from the expedition is also participants’ own responsibility.
We do however offer to facilitate group accommodation and usually suggest a venue on this basis.
We also encourage and will facilitate sharing of transport to reduce costs and environmental impact.
Refunds Policy
In the event of an activity being altered due to weather conditions, participants’ suitability, or other factors outside our control, alternative suitable activities will be provided which most closely match the intended expedition description. No refund will be available in this case.
In the unlikely circumstance of no activity being offered, a full refund will be offered for that part of the expedition which is cancelled. Monies will be returned as soon as practically possible.
Participants can cancel their booking up to 6 weeks prior to the expedition start date. A full refund will be made.
In the event of a participant cancelling due to illness, injury or any other circumstance a full refund can be made up to 4 weeks in advance of the start date, only if the place can be filled by someone else.
In the event of a participant cancelling in the period within 4 weeks from the start date for whatever reason, no refund can be made, as significant costs will already have been incurred.
Complaints Policy
In the unlikely event that participants are not fully satisfied with every aspect of our expeditions and service, complaints can be made in writing to Stuart Lockton, lead instructor. These should be sent by e-mail to the address advertised on the website.
In the event of the complaint being against Stuart Lockton, complaints should be made to Institute for Outdoor Learning, membership secretary.